Vermillion Rise has access to significant water, natural gas and electricity resources to meet the requirements of virtually any major industrial user.
- The Vermillion Rise Mega Park, with access to an abundant water supply, was a key factor that led the United States Army to select the property for a military installation in the 1940’s. At its peak, over 90 million gallons of water per day (MGD) were pumped from the Wabash River Tributaries Outwash Aquifer System to the site and used in manufacturing processes. Vermillion Rise owns and operates all aspects of the water system and maintains control, in perpetuity, to three (3) of the original horizontal collector wells located approximately 3 miles east of the site.
- Water from the aquifer is very high quality and recent testing indicates that the aquifer not under influence of surface water.
- Today, the total permitted withdraw from the wells per the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is 43.57 MGD.
- Currently one of the original six horizontal collector wells (HCW’s), located on a high volume/quality aquifer along the Wabash River, is in operation. This HCW is referred to as Ranney Well #3, and it currently provides water to the site.
- A seven-million-gallon reservoir located on Park property is supplied by an 18-inch diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline connected to a 24-inch ductile iron pipeline. Water is pumped from the reservoir to various users on the site.
- An existing 100,000-gallon elevated tank located in the Mega Park provides potable water storage.
- The water utility is operated as non-regulated utility and provide unique rate structures to support economic development projects.
Waste Water
- The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) maintained by the Vermillion Rise Mega Park and is operated as an unregulated utility.
- The WWTP has a design flow of 0.194 million gallons per day (MGD) and a design peak flow capacity of 0.540 MGD.
- WWTP effluent is permitted to discharge through a 14-inch diameter force main to the Wabash River, approximately four miles away.
- The Park adopted a sewer ordinance that identifies pollution limits for industrial customers.
Natural Gas
- Vermillion Rise owns and operates an unregulated natural gas utility within the Vermillion Rise Mega Park. Currently Park wholesale purchases natural gas from from Panhandle Eastern Pipeline.
- Panhandle Eastern Pipeline has an 8” high pressure pipeline feeding the built area of the Park and is delivered to a reducing station inside the Park.
- Panhandle Eastern Pipeline east-west gas transmission lines and Rockies Express east-west gas transmission lines are proximate to the south side of the park. These four (4) interstate natural gas transmission lines range from 20″ to 40″ diameter.
- Panhandle Eastern Pipeline’s Montezuma Compressor Station is 5 miles from the Park and provides for reliable pressure.
- Duke Energy is the Vermillion Rise electric provider and assumed ownership of the Vermillion Rise substation and electrical distribution system in July 2013. Several upgrades to the system occurred after the acquisition.
- 12KV and 69KV three phase services are currently available to the site.
- A new 69KV to 12KV distribution substation was constructed in the Park with a 10.5 MVA transformer expandable to 40 MVA.
- The new Hillsdale North Transmission Substation has one 150 MVA 230/69 kV transformer and is designed to double capacity. The substation is located Southeast of the Park and is designed for serving new large loads in the Park.
- A 230KV Duke Energy transmission line is located southeast of the Park.
- A Duke Energy 345KV Dresser to Cayuga transmission line is located two miles west of the Park.
- An AEP 345KV transmission line is located approximately .75 miles west of the Park.
- Duke Energy Indiana Electric Rate Tariff
- Economic Development Incentive Rates
- ATT provides fiber optic service to Vermillion Rise.